Saturday, August 16, 2014

Oh Yeah, My Hair Is Black Now

Sooooooooooo, I dyed my hair black. My roots were so dark and there was about two inches of growth. I decided I should just cover it up rather than bleach my roots to be blonde. It was at such a healthy state and I didn't want to fry my hair again so black seemed like the better option. Dark brown would have just looked muddy on me.

I like how the black looks on me. I HATE  the dye we used though. Milissa did it for me and we used L'oreal Preference Mousse Absolute color #100 Deep Black. The shtick for this particular line is that there is a special applicator that mixes the step one and step two compounds together as you dispense so when you are done, none is wasted. Than and there is even extra,
enough for two applications for those with short hair, and an application and a touch up for longer hair. yeah well that's bull. There wasn't even enough to cover all of my hair and its not even long. the parts that didn't get color ended up looking kind of like highlights but I'm probably going to go back and fix it later.

I give it 4/10.


Thursday, August 7, 2014


Sorry I haven’t posted consistently for a while. I have been a bit sick and in a lot of pain. I go back for my second round of steroid injections for my back tomorrow. So after I spend the weekend getting back in the groove I should be back up and running smoothly. I did make a video about Comic Con where I go through all my pictures and everything but the sound quality was horrible and I couldn’t do anything about it digitally so I had to scrap it. Not before working on it for a day and a half first. XP Well anyway, I plan to be a lot more consistent with my blog and my YouTube account as well. Once I start cosmetology school I will have plenty to talk about and will be filming and posting constantly. Funny thing is, I would bet money a good chunk of filming will be done in my car. I have a new phone mount, and I’ll probably be starting a segment of my YouTube channel called “Take A Drive With Me” where I just talk and drive. Its prime time to talk since I’ll be alone in the car and won’t have to worry about being too loud. So once again, I’m sorry I have been a horrible blogger buddy lately.